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Great news

Great news

David Hawes28 Jul 2017 - 09:24
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Clubmark accreditation confirmed

We have today received official confirmation that Egham Cricket Club has achieved Clubmark status for another 3 years.

... We are delighted to write and confirm that following a review of your ECB Clubmark online file, your accreditation has been confirmed. Congratulations to all those involved at your club for this achievement and for all that they do to promote cricket locally. Having a network of sustainable clubs is vital for the future of the game and achieving Clubmark status shows that you and your volunteers are at the forefront of this.........

A big thank you to everyone involved , with a special mention for Bob and Marion Amon, who pulled all the work together, and loaded it into the new ECB system

Keeping the Clubmark accreditation shows the commitment we have as a club to cricket in the local area, through all aspects of the game and is planning a sustainable future.

Thank you to all, we should all be very proud

For more information on Clubmark follow this LINK

Further reading